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Looking for Event Coordinators

Looking for ways to help out on MuttsWorld? We are looking for some event coordinators to help coordinate events around the servers. Ideally, we want to have around 2-3 coordinators per server working together to create and run events relevant to that specific server. We are looking for people who will host small-medium events daily and large events once or twice a month. We will provide you with the basic tools needed to do the job.

If you are interested in applying for Event Coordinator please leave an application under the "Community Support" section of staff applications and we will take a look.

What to include in your application?
  • Server you are applying for.
  • Why are you applying for Event Staff?
  • What kinds of events you have in mind.
  • Age, IRC usage, and grammar are important.


- railguy_


By event, we would just plan activities and contests and such for the server?



By event, we would just plan activities and contests and such for the server?


Cool Thanks!

I think that we should have a in game event calender for the week/mouth at spawn or have it be in minecraft book so we get it when we log in!!!

I think that we should have a in game event calender for the week/mouth at spawn or have it be in minecraft book so we get it when we log in!!!

Thats a brillent idea, allows the player to know when to come online for events and see if they want to participate in any events, or like I'd guess like a daily news book.. Like a newspaper

sounds nice

I applied... *looks around*