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Hello everyone, most of you know me as XTR3M3_PENGUINS and I am applying for Ambassador on the pvp server.

I joined MuttsWorld around May 2012 and have been very active since. Lately I have found my self playing on the pvp server the most. I have noticed that most of the time there is no ambassadors online when I am on. This allows many spammers, advertisers, bullies, and chat abusers to roam freely in chat causing chaos. I always try my best to calm down the chat in those situations. I am aware when to give out warnings and mutes to players and the length of mutes.

Being a long time player of minecraft and MuttsWorld I know all of the crafting recipes, game knowledge, and server commands. I know the legend chat commands very well even how to mute and unmute. Using my knowledge of the xTeams plugin I helped create a tutorial book for the plugin on pvp. When ever someone asks a questions in chat I try to answer it in the best and fastest way. If a player is still having trouble with a problem I will try and find a website or video to further explain.

I am on IRC almost 24 hours of the day unless I get disconnected due to my internet. I also help out and communicate with the players in the lobby with it. When ever I am playing minecraft you can find me on the MuttsWorld teamspeak hanging out with other players. I am a frequent member of the forums where I like to have fun with the community and support other players. I believe and know that I am ready and capable of taking on the job of ambassador and all of the responsibilities that carry with it.


Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 27
Teamspeak: Yes


Never had an issue. Always has been helpful.
+1 no doubts about it. I would say getta mic for TS but atleast youre there and can listen and type.

Swore you were an ambass... i dunno anyways. +1

Never had an issue. Always has been helpful.
+1 no doubts about it. I would say getta mic for TS but atleast youre there and can listen and type.

Swore you were an ambass... i dunno anyways. +1

I have recently gotten a mic, just have been on vacation so I couldn't use it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

No, he wrote the Muttsworld Advocate.




The Penguin Force is strong with this one




I 100% agree that XTR should be ambassador on PvP.


Make it happen

He always help's out and is a great friend.

He always help's out and is a great friend.

Locked for Bumping an old post.