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Hello everyone, as most of you know I am XTR3M3_PENGUINS and today I am applying for mod on PvP. Lately there has not been that many mods active on PvP. I have been an ambassador for almost 1 year now on various MuttsWorld servers, and now I know I am ready to step up and contribute to the server even more. I am very mature for my age and know most of the plugins that make PvP run. I also know all the commands to do /modreqs and have a lot of experience with world edit.
With moderator I can increase the amount of players on PvP by hosting daily server events such as anvil games, tournaments (1v1, free for all, team vs team), King of the Island, pig racing, horse pvp and some other ideas. Being on the build team for L2D I am a pretty good builder and can help freshen spawn up and add more places for players to PvP. Being a minecraft pvper for a few years I know who and when someone is hacking and what type of hacks they are using. Banning these pvper hackers will also cut down on new players quitting because they think this server is full of fly and speed hackers.


Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 28
Teamspeak: Yes


I like xtr3me However with the constant same ideas put forth about PvP (typically things we've tried) and the ignoring other staff saying we've tried these things. Is concerning.

Also the fact you were one of the first to complain about the changes rather than push and build your server.

These points alone I think point out you're not ready for the position.

Sorry I think you make a decent ambassador. But your attitude needs to change.

I like xtr3me However with the constant same ideas put forth about pvp (typically things we've tried) and the ignoring other staff saying we've tried these things. Is cocerning.

Also the fact you were one of the first to complain about the changes rather than push and build your server.

These points alone I think point out you're not ready for the position.

Sorry I think you make a decent ambass. But your attitude needs to change.

I was quite upset with the new changes at first but I realized that you need to give something a shot before you judge. These last couple of days I have actually been trying to convince players to give it a shot like I did. I also haven't ignored staff but have introduced new ways to benefit the new pvp. Thank you for the constructive criticism though.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I was quite upset with the new changes at first but I realized that you need to give something a shot before you judge. These last couple of days I have actually been trying to convince players to give it a shot like I did. 


Especially on Restarts and when we're Trying new things First impressions are everything.

The title beside your name with the bashing and complaining looks bad when players see.

especially with a staff title sitting beside the messages.

Penguin is great ambassador, and from the 2 years I've known him, would make an excellent moderator.


~ Application Closed ~
