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Hi mutts and mutt staff! My name is Brooklyn in IRL but my in game character name is Mockingjay0429. I am applying for MuttsWorldMine survival staff. I would like to think that I am very active in chat and often helpful. I am also very active on PvP ( though I am trying to get used to the changes that are made). I do use IRC. I am also on TS allot. My mic broke, but I am currently trying to get a new one. Some people that know me on TS: XTR3M3, Alicia, Flaber, Diamond swift, Modern Arnis, element2anime and much more. I would like to make muttsworldmine #1 on ALL sever lists and create mostly survival a warm welcoming place. The place in Survival I would like is Ambassador: mostly chat moderator or :Moderator: Mods all day long :P but any place would be fine anways. I like to help people and one of my favorite command is /welcome :D Here is some stuff you might want to know about be MC related.

~I am 19
~I have my own server and run it with my friends
~I have caught some xrayers sadley :(
~I have played minecraft ever since it came out
~Shelly Turtle is awesome (totally wasn't payed for saying that) :P
~Last I am VERY grateful for this server I am currently Diploment
and I am planning on donating to the server Christmas time for a gift to
stay open and I think Mumblerit works his butt off allot with the 1.8 stuff so
I think having more staff could help him (IDK don't quote me)
OK OK mumblerit I am sorry I understand you can handle it!
Anyways.. Thats my application. Bye mutts!

Age: 18-24
Months of MuttsWorld: 6
Teamspeak: Yes